Engagement & Wedding
  • Jewelry
  • Gifts
  • Our Diamonds

  • Our Bridal Diamond Guarantee

    We guarantee free lifetime replacement of your diamonds — including all side diamonds — if, in the course of normal wear, they’re lost from the original mounting. This guarantee is you must bring your piece to us every 6 months for cleaning and evaluation by one of our expert jewelers. But, if you forget... upon checkup, once we determine the piece to be in good wearing condition, we will reinstate your guarantee.

    Purchase of our Lifetime Professional Care Plan at the time of your jewelry purchase will also cover any parts, labor and refinishing associated with resetting your diamond.

    If the Lifetime Professional Care Plan was not purchased at the time of purchase or the Professional Care plan has lapsed because the customer has not been in for their six-month inspection, the customer is responsible for any parts, labor and refinishing charges associated with resetting their diamond.

    We strongly recommend that you purchase insurance for engagement rings containing a center diamond larger than 2.0ct and diamond stud earrings and diamond solitaire pendants greater than 2.0cttw. Unfortunately, we cannot be liable for stone replacement beyond these size constraints for these categories.